Welcome Interns Drew and Garrett!
Supporter of School of International Learning: Banking, Finance, and Social Responsibility
Hello! We are from the School of International Learning and are so grateful to be able to learn from the Agape Foundation. We are learning all about the future of sustainable finance during our stay in Geneva, Switzerland, and we’re grateful for your welcome!
A little about us:
Hello! My name is Garrett Hall. I am going to the University of Oregon where I study economics and philosophy. I am focusing my education on the future of sustainable, value-driven economics. I grew up in San Diego, California and I am in my 3rd year of University studies. I’m delighted to be able to align my values with my studies at the Agape Foundation and to be able to learn from such an inspiring organization. I am excited to bring my perspective to the Agape Foundation and I can’t wait to learn from their organization’s endeavors.
Hello! My name is Drew Thomas, and I am a senior student at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, United States pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Financial Management and a minor in Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies. At Bucknell, I am an active member in the Catholic Campus Ministry as well as a peer mentor for first-year students from underrepresented ethnic backgrounds. My Christian faith has held a significant role in my life and guided my actions ever since I was a child. I am delighted to be a member of an organization that aligns with my own values and mission. I am excited to learn more about sustainable finance as well as SMEs and their activity with ESG and social responsibility. I cannot wait to begin learning more while working for a positive cause at an impactful institution and making a difference in the world.