Funding Mission & Vision Board Christoph Stuckelberger Ventzeslav Sabev Roland Schatz Ruitong (Esther) Cui Baocheng Liu Christoph Sigrist Staff Anhtho Andres Olivia Mirembe Musisi Karl Pilny Nicoleta Acatrinei Hong Bui-Ridell Haicun Kong Elvira Camigliano Wang Dan (Angel) Dr. Zhang Yu (Peter) Statutes Strategy Annual Reports Funding Contact Funding Sources Income for GAF comes from various sources: Donations from private persons, among others from entrepreneurs in Asia/China, US, Europe; Income from investments (later, when foundation capital is built); Income from services such as ethics trainings for companies, entrepreneurs and development organisations. Income is given as general donation for the whole programme or ear-marked for a specific programme or project. For details see Annual Accounts in Annual Reports