
2020 Conference

2020 Conference

International Conference for Christian Development Agencies and Investors FaithInvest: Impactful Cooperation Thank you! GAF team would like to express their heartfelt thanks to each of you who participated as a spekear/participant/volunteer in Faithinvest Conference...

2019 Presentations

Conference 1: International Conference of Faith-based Entrepreneurs: Stronger Together Spirituality 4.0 at the Workplace Sun 20 January 2019, 13h - Mon 21 January 2019, 14.30h 会议报告 1 (9.6MB). 图片下载 GAF Flickr 1 Opening and Introduction of Participants Prof. Dr Isabel...

2019 Conference

2019 Conference

GAF Conference 2019.The 2nd Faith-based Entrepreneur Conference took place on 20-22 January 2019 in the Ecumenical Center in Geneva/Switzerland. This was a twin conference including Spirituality 4.0 at the workplace and Faithinvest: Building Bridges.

2018 Conference

2018 Conference

Stronger Together: Faith-based Entrepreneur Conference was held for the first time on 22-23 Jan. 2018 in Ecumenical Center, Geneva, Switzerland. It was co-organized by Geneva Agape Foundation and World Council of Churches.
About 60 participants from five continents gathered for the 2-day in-depth sharing and exchange on the topic of faith in business, finance and investment