Bruno Roche
Board member
Bruno Roche
GAF Board member, Economist, Geneva.
Economist, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker.
Founder of the Economics of Mutuality: a breakthrough management innovation and value creation model resulting from a decade-long partnership between Oxford Saïd Business School and Mars Incorporated on defining the just level of profit — enabling companies and investors to profit from creating solutions to the problems of society and the environment, vs. profiting from creating problems.
Former Chief Economist at Mars Incorporated and Managing Director of Catalyst, the internal think tank which has been the laboratory for the Economics of Mutuality.
Co-founder of centers for the Economics of Mutuality at Oxford Saïd Business School (UK), CEIBS (Shanghai, China) and the Erasmus University in Rotterdam (NL).
Founder of ONEconomy, a new organisation dedicated to “… towards a mutual prosperity for a just society”.
Co-editor with Colin Mayer of the Oxford University Press book “Putting Purpose into Practice: the Economics of Mutuality” and co-author of the book “Completing Capitalism”.
Member of the S&P Global Sustainable Finance Scientific Council, founding board member of the China Impact Investment Network, expert to the World Economic Forum and Board member of the Principal Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative of the UN Global Compact.