2021News:Message from the new President of GAF

Message from the new President of GAF

On 1 June 2021, the former Executive Director of GAF, Prof. Dr Christoph Stückelberger, handed over to the new Executive Director Dr Nicoleta Acatrinei. Chirstoph Stückelberger is now President of the Board of Foundation.

Nicoleta Acatrinei knows GAF since many years. She grew up in Romania, studied economics and was a banker in her country already at a young age. She then moved to Lausanne/Switzerland for a PhD at IDHEAP (public administration) and also got a master in theology at the University of Laussane. Faith and business was also her topic as a researcher and a teacher at the Princeton University/USA during the last five years. She was also teaching at the famous Sun Yat-sen University in South China. Her broad professional background, combined with her spirituality as a Christian Romanian Orthodox and her global experience and networks will bring GAF to the next level of outreach (more). The GAF Board and Team warmly welcome you, Nicoleta, as new, full time, GAF Executive Director!

Christoph Stückelberger served as part time GAF-Director during the last five years 2016-2021 and was a co-founder in 2014. He is now President of the Board of Foundation. The Board welcomes you, Christoph, as the new President!

The Board at the same time expresses its profound thanks to the interim President Roland Schatz. He stepped in 2019 in succession of the GAF-Co-founder Cui Wantian. He lead the Board with engagement and very carefully in a period of transition. The Board expresses to you, Roland Schatz, its profound thanks! 

Roland Schatz