2019 Archive: Be a Values-driven Entrepreneur in China – Pilgrimage and Training Trip to Europe

Be a Values-driven Entrepreneur in China – Pilgrimage and Training Trip to Europe, 20-31 May 2018

A group of SME entrepreneurs of Kingdom Business College KBC in China mixed with church leaders took part in the pilgrimage and training in Rome, Geneva, Taizé and Paris. The training trip was co-organized by KBC and GAF, whose goal is to strengthen the participants’ personal faith as a Christian entrepreneur in China through discovering the roots of Christianity in Rome (Catholic), Geneva (Calvin), and Taizé (Christian/Ecumenical).

The encounters with Catholic clergies, protestant entrepreneurs/investors and the ecumenical community in Europe bring in lots of fresh perspectives to the participants. A ceremony of putting on aprons to symbolize Christian being servants took place in the worship service in WCC chapel, manifested the theme of the service ‘Serve One Another Humbly in Love’.

The worship service themed ‘Serve One Another Humbly in Love’, 25 May 2018, Ecumenical Chapel at WCC

The group in front of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome