2021 Conference: Africa-Europe Focus

4th International Faith-Based Investment Conference
Faith-Driven Investing: Walk the Talk
Africa-Europe Focus

Online conference: 15 January 2021

With the success of our first fully digital conference “Walk the Talk”, Geneva Agape Foundation, FaithInvest, World Evangelical Alliance-Business Coalition and World Council of Churches would like to thank you for all of great discussions, effective communication to speakers, attendees, and partners who made this year event a truly special one!

For downloading:

Send an email to the Programme Executive Communication Ms Hong Bui, bui@gafoundation.world in order to get more information.

A workshop will be offered by Oikosinvest Foundation, the new foundation based in Geneva for faith-driven and values-driven investment with a focus on Africa. The workshop is offered on invitation only, for those who already submitted an investment application. For more information contact: stueckelberger@oikosinvest.org