2020 News: FaithInvest Training Program

FaithInvest Training Program

FI news_Lauss HauseThe first FaithInvest Leadership training programme, entitled Building Bridges, will take place from Sunday 15 November to Wednesday 18 November, 2020 (Sunday evening to Wednesday afternoon) at Lassalle-Haus, in Zug, Switzerland.

We have linked up with the Lassalle-Institut for the programme. The Lassalle-Institut specifically addresses leaders in economy, politics and society, offering dialogue, seminars and conferences in order to support leaders in making good decisions.

Aimed at 16–20 participants from the worlds of faith, finance, ethical investment, sustainable development and care for our common world, the Leadership Programme will enable you to gain a better understanding of the values of different faiths and cultures as well as to deepen your personal goals and values.

The need to be mindful is common to all the major faiths of the world. Against the background of the current ecological crisis, this programme will help us to connect ourselves again towards’ the other’ – be it the other person, the other faith or culture, nature or the world.

Here is a link to the event and registration form: https://www.lassalle-institut.org/de/faithinvest-leadership-programme-2020.html